It seems to me that Library 2.0 is just the next step on the technology evolution trail. Libraries have embraced technology - albeit sometimes slowly - from Gutenburg's Day on and will no doubt take this latest change on board and adapt it to its best devices.
Already those energetic go-getting librarians are leading the way with great adaptations and thinking, theorising, postulating and letting us all know their thoughts (well, those who read library related blogs anyway)
We are about information, collecting it, organising it, disseminating it and preserving it. Library 2.0 is just another way of going about it. It provides advantages, challenges and opportunities as every other change has.
The world will go on (for a while anyway), Web/Lib 2.0 will morph into the next big thing (and we will probably all lose our Flickr photographs) and we will all adjust to that and move on....
the more things change the more they stay the same....